Arms workout is an essential workout amongst all. The only muscles that is visible whether you are wearing a full sleeve shirt or a t-shirt. But in reality, youngsters fail to get bigger arms. So, here is the best arms workout routine. The workout routine has divided into two parts viz biceps workout and triceps workout on the same day, and the second one is doing them on different days.
People usually work hard for bigger biceps and fail to focus on triceps. Triceps workout is as essential as biceps workout. Triceps has three heads (lateral, long, and medial) which means triceps is 60% of the arm while bicep is 40%.
To build arms seriously, you must focus equally on both – triceps and triceps workouts. There are a lot of workouts and exercises for biceps and triceps that you can follow. Following is the best distribution for the triceps workout and biceps workouts. Follow this routine for 4-8 weeks.
Before moving to the best arms workouts, let us have a look at the anatomy of arms to understand the exercise better.
Arms Anatomy (Biceps, Triceps, and Forearm)

BI means two. Hence bicep has Two muscles.
1) Biceps brachii
(Bicep brachii has two heads)
a) Long head b) Short head
2) Biceps brachialis
TRI means three. Hence tricep has three muscles
Forearm has three muscles
There are two ways to do arms workout. Either you can club both biceps and triceps on the same day, or you can hit them separate on each day. It depends on your whole workout schedule. But You will get excellent results if you club both. Getting maximum pump in your arms is the best feeling. But it depends on individual to individual. The arms workout routine has designed in such a way that you can train every part of your muscle.
Best Bicep & Triceps Workouts
Biceps and triceps workouts can be clubbed or can do separately. So, here is the arms workout has divided into two-part. Consult with your trainer and choose which one you should do. Our recommendation would be to chose biceps and triceps workout on the same day.
Biceps and Triceps workout on same day
Superset of Bicep Curls
A) Bicep curls with EZ bar (narrow grip)

B) Bicep curls with straight bar (wide grip)

Sets: 3
6-8 each (MASS GAIN)
12-15 each (CUTTING)
How To Do Superset Of Bicep Curls:
- Stand straight with core tight.
- Take EZ bar and keep the grip slightly narrow.
- Curl the bar with elbow locked.
- Make sure that you will not move torso.
- Correct form is the key.
- Do the same with a straight bar.
- It’s a superset so you will hit both exercises back to back for three times.
- Take 1 min of rest between each set.
2) Superset Of Bench Dips And Dumbbells Concentration Curls
A) Bench Dips
Sets: 3
6-8 each (MASS GAIN)
12-15 each (CUTTING)

How To Do Bench Dips:
- Sit on a bench or chair.
- Put your hands on either side of your hips and keep your legs bent.
- Then move your butt a little forward, so it’s not on the chair.
- Bring your body down until your upper arms are parallel with the floor
- Come back to normal position and repeat.
B) Dumbbell Concentration Curls
Sets: 3
6-8 each (MASS GAIN)
12-15 each (CUTTING)

How To Do Dumbbell Concentration Curls:
- Take 1 Dumbbell of medium weight. (Even if it’s lighter for you by your capacity, it will be fine. Because this exercise can go wrong if the dumbbell weight is overloaded.)
- Sit on a bench.
- Keep your elbow on the inside of your thigh and grab the dumbbell.
- Palm facing forward, chest up.
- Bring up the Dumbbell up to the chest and come back to the starting position slowly.
- While you bring your Dumbbell up to the chest, twist the Dumbbell slightly at the end.
- Breathe out when lifting the dumbbells and breathe-in while returning to starting position.
3) Triceps Press Down
Sets: 3
12-15 (CUTTING)

How To Do Triceps Press Down :
- Go to the triceps press down the machine.
- Set the weight on the plate according to your capacity.
- Grab the rope, EZ bar or straight bar (Anything will do according to availability in the gym).
- Take a step back.
- Your chest should be up, back arched, shoulders blades together.
- Keep your elbows tight.
- Then bring the rope straight down and extend it completely.
- Keep your elbows locked and make sure they do not go up when you go back to starting position.
- Feel the pressure on your lateral head of tricep.
- Breathe out when you bring the rope downwards and breathe-in while returning to starting position.
4) Barbell Skull Crusher
Sets: 3
12-15 (CUTTING)

How To Do Barbell Skull Crusher :
- Take an EZ bar.
- Set the weight according to your capacity.
- Hold the grip narrow.
- Sit down on the bench and widen your legs slightly.
- Then roll backwards (just like in bench press) with that narrow grip.
- Your head should be slightly hanging off the bench.
- Make sure that your wrist stays straight during the exercise.
- Keep your neck relaxed.
- The grip on the bar should be tight.
- Bring the bar behind your head, keep elbows locked, breathe out when you take the bar behind your neck (or at forehead also ).
- Breathe in when return to starting position.
5) Parallel Bar Dips
Sets: 3
Reps: Up to failure

How To Do Parallel Bar Dips :
- Get the parallel bar.
- Keep your hands grip on both the sides of the bar.
- Get yourself up and bend the knees.
- Keep your back nice and straight.
- Don’t lean too much forward or backwards.
- Try to keep your form correct.
- Without moving the elbows, bring yourself down upto atleast 90 degrees (and even more if you are healthy enough).
- Return to starting position to complete one rep.
Biceps and Triceps workout on different day
Superset of Bicep Curls
A) Bicep curls with EZ bar (narrow grip)

B) Bicep curls with straight bar (wide grip)

Sets: 3
6-8 each (MASS GAIN)
12-15 each (CUTTING)
How To Do Superset Of Bicep Curls:
- Stand straight with core tight.
- Take EZ bar and keep the grip slightly narrow.
- Curl the bar with elbow locked.
- Make sure that you will not move torso.
- Correct form is the key.
- Do the same with a straight bar.
- It’s a superset so you will hit both exercises back to back for three times.
- Take 1 min of rest between each set.
2) Concentration Curls
Sets: 4
Reps: 6-8 (Mass gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Dumbbell Concentration Curls:
- Take 1 Dumbbell of medium weight. (Even if it’s lighter for you by your capacity, it will be fine. Because this exercise can go wrong if the dumbbell weight is overloaded.)
- Sit on a bench.
- Keep your elbow on the inside of your thigh and grab the dumbbell.
- Palm facing forward, chest up.
- Bring up the Dumbbell up to the chest and come back to the starting position slowly.
- While you bring your Dumbbell up to the chest, twist the Dumbbell slightly at the end.
- Breathe out when lifting the dumbbells and breathe-in while returning to starting position.
3) Hammer Curls
Sets: 3
Reps: 6-8 (Mass gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Hammer Curls:
- Take two dumbbells according to your capacity.
- Hold the dumbbells in a neutral grip.
- Curl up and return to the starting position to complete one rep.
- Make sure that your elbow is locked.
- Hit 6-8 or 12-15 reps according to your goal of each hand.
- You can hit either both arms one by one or simultaneously.
- You can make it harder by keeping the non-working arm of the moment at 90 degrees.
4) Reverse Bicep Curls
Sets: 3
Reps: 6-8 (Mass gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Reverse Bicep Curls:
- Set the weight of barbell according to your capacity.
- Grip the barbell reverse on your hands.
- Curl it up and go back to starting position to complete one rep.
- Keep your chest up, core tight and elbows locked.
- For better result from this exercise, it’s essential to perform each exercise with correct form.
5) Incline Dumbbell Curls
Sets: 3
Reps: 6-8 (Mass gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Incline Dumbbell Curls:
- Take two dumbbells of moderate weight.
- Set your incline bench upto 45 degrees.
- Lying on an incline bench, start curling the dumbbell.
- Keep your elbows locked.
- Curl your dumbbells close to your shoulders.
- Hit 6-8 or 15-20 reps of each arm.
1) Narrow Grip Bench Press
Sets: 4
Reps: 6-8 (Mass gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Narrow Grip Bench Press:
- Lie on a bench press machine.
- Use a close grip to lift the bar.
- First, lift the bar from rack with a narrow grip. It will be your starting position.
- Then come slowly down and touch the barbell at your chest.
- breath-in while lowering the bar.
2) Diamond Push-ups
Sets: 4
Reps: Up to failure
How To Do Diamond Push-ups:
- Get in a standard push up position.
- Just put your hands in a diamond position directly under your face.
- Keep your core and back straight.
- Breathe in as you come down.
- Breathe out as you come up.
- You can make it harder by putting plates on your back.
3) Barbell Skull Crusher
Sets: 6
Reps: 6-8 (Mass Gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Barbell Skull Crusher:
- Take an EZ bar.
- Set the weight according to your capacity.
- Hold the grip narrow.
- Sit down on the bench and widen your legs slightly.
- Then roll backwards (just like in bench press) with that narrow grip.
- Your head should be slightly hanging off the bench.
- Make sure that your wrist stays straight during the exercise.
- Keep your neck relaxed.
- The grip on the bar should be tight.
- Bring the bar behind your head, keep elbows locked, breathe out when you take the bar behind your neck (or at forehead also).
- Breathe in when return to starting position.
4) Triceps Press Down
Sets: 4
Reps: 6-8 (Mass Gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Triceps Press Down:
- Go to the tricep press down the machine.
- Set the weight on the plate according to your capacity.
- Grab the rope, EZ bar or straight bar (Anything will do according to availability in the gym).
- Take a step back.
- Your chest should be up, back arched, shoulders blades together.
- Keep your elbows tight.
- Then bring the rope straight down and extend it completely.
- Keep your elbows locked and make sure they do not go up when you go back to starting position.
- Feel the pressure on your lateral head of tricep.
- Breathe out when you bring the rope downwards and breathe-in while returning to starting position.
5) Bench Dips
Sets: 4
Reps: 6-8 (Mass Gain)
12-15 (Cutting)

How To Do Bench Dips:
- Sit on a bench or chair.
- Put your hands on either side of your hips and keep your legs bent.
- Then move your butt a little forward, so it’s not on the chair.
- Bring your body down until your upper arms are parallel with the floor
- Come back to normal position and repeat
- You can make it harder by putting plates on your thighs (keep your toes on a bench)